The continuous maintenance of the contact data and opening hours for all your locations as the monitoring of your online reviews is essential for effective online marketing. No matter how expensive an advertising campaign may be, it will miss its target if the locations of your company cannot be found with up-to-date and consistent data.
Four out of five consumers use search engines to search for companies, products or services in their area. Even those who have previously become aware of an offer through a print ad or a TV spot will usually subsequently consult the search engine or use a route planner. This in turn provides information from yellow pages, rating portals and social media with opening hours, directions or contact data. If the search engines pass on wrong or contradictory information, potential new customers may jump off and turn to your competitors. The quality of your listings in every online sources is decisive for your success – and this is especially true in times of the mobile Internet: 50% of users who search for local services or products with their smartphone, visit or contact the company found within one day. 18% buy or order something within one day. Those who do not reach these interested parties with perfectly maintained listings risk the success of their marketing activities – and thus their sales.
With stadtbekannt you can manage all listings, customer ratings and social media activities for all your locations, centrally in one tool.